Trusted Provider of Dependable Orebody Modeling and Mineral Resource Estimation Services

Advantage Geoservices Limited Mineral Resource Estimation Philosophy

Work closely with the client's geology staff to ensure geologic controls on mineralization are honored appropriately.

Carry out estimation in a logically structured fashion to allow easy updates and interrogation.

Produce concise reporting that explains the methodology, pertinent modeling decisions, and parameter choices.


Mineral Resource Estimation and NI 43-101 Technical Report Documentation and Due Diligence Resource Reviews


More than 30 years of experience including resource estimation work in support of operating mines as well as base and precious metal projects in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.


A resource estimate is only as good as the understanding of the geological controls on mineralization. As we have seen over and over recently, a "black box" approach to resource estimation with a poor understanding of the geology, or a disconnect between geology and resource modeling, can lead to disastrous consequences for a company and its shareholders. I have worked with Jim Gray for almost 20 years on resource modeling; I supply the geological controls, and Jim supplies his geological background and considerable expertise in resource modeling, and together we create a model that accurately reflects the real shape of the deposit and distribution of mineralization. Jim is constantly testing the limits of what the software can do in order to make the model reflect what we believe is really happening within a deposit. Jim's mine site experience and work on deposits that have become mines are a check on the accuracy of his work that not every resource modeler has. Jim's final reports for NI 43-101 Technical Reports are organized, thorough, and well-illustrated. I would highly recommend Jim for any resource estimation work.”


Moira Smith, Ph.D., P.Geo., Vice President Exploration and Geoscience, Pilot Gold Inc.

“I have worked extensively with Jim since 2010 on a variety of gold and base metal projects in Turkey, Nevada, Alaska and California. With Jim’s vast experience and familiarity with many deposit types and modeling techniques, he brings a thoughtful approach to resource estimation with a strong emphasis on understanding the controls on mineralization. His resulting mineral resource estimations and technical reporting are of the highest caliber and I would not hesitate to recommend his work to other potential clients”

Bob Carmichael, P.Eng., Vice President Exploration, NGEx Resources Inc.

“Jim developed the initial resource estimate for our Filo del Sol project. Filo del Sol is one of the more geologically complex deposits I have worked on, and has a fairly complicated grade distribution and mineral zonation. Jim worked closely with our geologists to help transform a detailed 3-dimensional geological interpretation into resource estimation domains that simplify the interpretation without compromising its accuracy. As a client, I appreciated Jim’s attention to detail and meticulous approach to data quality and accuracy. After working with Jim on this project, I know that any data or results he sends me have been triple-checked by him and I don’t need to worry about errors or inaccuracies. It makes my job easier knowing I have a reliable resource consultant who is easy to work with and produces results that I can trust.”

Ian R. Cunningham-Dunlop, P. Eng., Vice President Exploration, NewCastle Gold Ltd.; Senior Technical Advisor, Constantine Metal Resources Inc.

“We worked with Jim to generate an updated resource estimate for the Palmer VMS project, Alaska. Jim takes a practical, efficient and thorough approach to mineral estimation that honours the data and geology, while at the same time supports creative and collaborative thinking to address the complexity and challenges that invariably arise in the field of resource modeling. His foundation in geology and past industry experience in a variety of mining environments is a major asset. I was also impressed with his level of sophistication and expertise with current modeling software and techniques. A pleasure to work with.“